Accurately measures bifocal placement from the pupil to the lowest point on the eyewire.
Really handy and accurate way to measure bifocal placement. Simply align the top of the cross bar under the patient's pupil and read the lowest point of the eyewire on the scale. For patients with a narrow PD just slide the rule so the scale is at the lowest eyewire point and the wide crossbar will still remain directly under the pupil for truly accurate readings.
Minimizes miscommunication with the lab. Clear plastic with black scale. Also, great for taking box measurements. 7" long.
Rules To Abide By
"A PD rule can be much more than a simple measuring stick. Check out the features on our selection of rules. You will surely find one that makes your dispensing or lab task easier and more accurate. All American made where a 70mm reading on the scale is 70mm in reality."
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